The Elder Law Coach
Todd Whatley is a Certified Elder Law Attorney, practicing attorney and now the Elder Law Coach. His passion is to help attorneys become proficient Elder Law Attorneys. He still practices law with over 22 years of experience with offices in two states. He is the Past President of the National Elder Law Foundation, the ABA accredited certifying organization for the ABA. He LOVES working with new and experienced attorneys to help them have the best job in the world and help a great population. Visit him at This podcast was formally known as Elder Law in a Box.
The Elder Law Coach
Epi 21 Four Words to Help Get Your Client the Care They Need
Today, Todd pulls from his PT career to help you when your client's family calls you to say that their loved one is being discharged from rehab when they are not where they should be. The therapy people have a special code and language they use that most others don't know about. Today, Todd shares with you some of that secret language and explains how is SHOULD work.
Also, there is a overwhelming perception that a client must be discharged when they stop making progress. That is a common reason for discharge and it DOES NOT FOLLOW THE RULES. Todd gives you the case and reference to fight that flawed explanation. Here is the link to the handout he mentions.
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