The Elder Law Coach
Todd Whatley is a Certified Elder Law Attorney, practicing attorney and now the Elder Law Coach. His passion is to help attorneys become proficient Elder Law Attorneys. He still practices law with over 22 years of experience with offices in two states. He is the Past President of the National Elder Law Foundation, the ABA accredited certifying organization for the ABA. He LOVES working with new and experienced attorneys to help them have the best job in the world and help a great population. Visit him at This podcast was formally known as Elder Law in a Box.
The Elder Law Coach
Epi 24 The Importance of the Advanced Directive
Todd and Sara today talk about an often overlooked and ignored document that really pretty important, The Advanced Directive, sometimes known as the Living Will.
This document is a necessary document in the senior's estate planning documents. Listen to this episode to learn the intricacies of this document and why it should be part of your "package of documents".
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